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Pre-Order ETA May 2025 Annex MI-5 Airsoft Paintball Full Face Mask by Valken - Black (ANSI Rated)

16 Customer Reviews

by Cameron P. on 01/07/2024
"This is a really nice helmet! I used the Annex MI-3 rental helmet and when i wanted to buy my own stuff. I decided to get this one. I got hit in the face several times, and the eye protection works very well. One thing that I didn't have an issue with the MI-3 is fogging. I wear glasses and I'm a big dude, so I sweat a lot. So the goggles do fog up, I have not tried any kind of anti fogging chemicals.

The helmet is a fantastic buy and super comfortable, just consider my experience with fogging. Which results may vary too.
by Zackary M. on 04/01/2016
"This mask is great only thing that could make it better was if it was a little bit more flexable at the cheeks
by Renato G. on 04/01/2016
"Wow this mask is really strong and well made here are the pros and cons

Fits really well and very adjustable
Ventilation is great almost most of the mask has it
Anti Fog
You can separate the mask into three things( Visor, Goggles, and mouth protecter)
Very high quality and strong plastic
The mouth protecter is long and can provide ear protection
Can easily disasemble the mask
You can kinda aim but not really, you kinda have to tilt your head a bit but it is a little uncomfortable

Kinda fogs a bit in the corners

(Thats the only little con i have!!!!)
by Jonathan N. on 04/01/2016
"These Rock! Bought one for my girlfriend and then another for my other friend. They both love the masks and say it never fogs! would recommend to anyone!
by Abraham G. on 04/01/2016
"This is by far the best mask. This was the 1st one for me and it cant take in anything from 500 fps guns to pistols that use co2 with metal bbs.

-Good structure
-Hasnt fogged on me yet
-can be separated into 3 parts (visor, goggles, and bottom part)
-Very durable (dropped it on cement because of a sound grenade and it doesnt have a scratch on it)


If you are looking for a good mask for $25, get this one cause my friend has had it for around 5 years now and its still in mint condition. Do yourself a favor and get this bad boy :)
by Abraham G. on 04/01/2016
"Im very new to airsoft, and this was my first mask. Ive been practicin alot with my friends, and they have shot me at least 100x with their rifles, and this baby protected me from EVERY SINGLE SHOT. All you feel is a semi-loud "ping" sound. Has not fog on me yet and I dont think it ever will. Best mask for $25 HANDS DOWN!
by Luis J. on 04/01/2016
"I've own my Scott Vectra mask for over 7 years now. They have been the best and most reliable mask I have ever owned. I used them when I used to play a lot of paintball. Replaced the single lenses to a thermal lenses to prevent them from fogging up. One of the things I love about these masks is the field of view. Not only that but it provides excellent ear protection and are extremely comfortable.

Only problem I'm having with them though is that I cannot find replacement thermal lenses for them anywhere. Mine developed a crack in the middle and refuse to use them that way. Then again I have taken multiple goggle shots over the years when I used to play paintball on a bi-weekly basis AND these things are pretty old so they are extremely durable =D

The other problem I found with these is that you cannot bring your airsoft gun close to your face to use your optics or iron sights since the face guard sits pretty far from your face.

Still though these are an amazing mask and for the price they will protect your face and eyes. I just wish I can find some thermal lenses for these cause I would gladly purchase another pair as a back up =D
by Trevor J. on 04/01/2016
"Had this mask for about 2 or 3 years now. Still in great condition.


Never fogs up
Solid Lens
Looks good
Detachable visor and detachable goggles


You may not be able to see though the site on your airsoft, as most masks don't let you anyways...
The holes just below the lens are just big enough to let an airsoft BB through. Although I have never been hit though them.
by James W. on 04/01/2016
"yes, comes with goggles, yes, you can look through your scope... unless you have something really low and a stock to get in the way

yes, it will fit over glasses unless you wear cokebottles.

no, never had it fog... don't wipe of the antifog material, don't wipe too much.

Separates for goggles only
Best looking paintball mask out there

Foam on mask may irritate face for the first, second time you wear it. after that, you'll get used to it. After a game, i just run it under warm water to clean it out and pat it dry
by Matt S. on 04/01/2016
"wait so it does COME with the googles right? and can I still look through ny scope with this on? because the field I go to requires a full face paintball mask
by Corey V. on 04/01/2016
"i got this thing and i had to spray paint it white for my team and its held so far. does not fog at all
by Bryan H. on 04/01/2016
"i got this mask, and i love it, it is really lightweight compared to other masks and it is very durable. but if your going to snipe and look through your sights without anything getting in the way, dont get a mask! i suggest just goggles (which you can easily turn this mask into).
by Brendan M. on 04/01/2016
"Wow this is great! The goggle doesnt fog and is well put in, everything is sealed and assembled PERFECTLY. The visor comes on and off smoothly and stays on quite well. It protects every part of your face and is very durable. Overall, this is the best mask for $30 you can get.
by Jay J. on 04/01/2016
"I love this mask... Sadly I wear glasses and even if the goggles are fog resistant, my glasses aren't... This mask is great!!! It's not flimsy like the other cheap masks and the visor gives it a kinda Halo look... :D
by Nasser R. on 04/22/2021
"Good mask but you can't aim down sights with it. And also it kinda is uncomfortable in the ear area