Appalled at the wasteful stacks of lithium cells accumulated by bad batteries, one company stepped foot into the airsoft market with a brilliant solution.
That brand is none-other than TITAN, and their Li-Ion batteries changed the game for airsoft batteries forever.

Before we dive into the advantages a TITAN battery can provide, let’s start with some background for what other standard AEG batteries are capable of. Keep in mind, there’s no one-size-fits all airsoft battery! Every AEG is going to have a battery that it prefers best, which can vary depending on your rifle’s internals. Nonetheless, here’s what you’ll most commonly find in the world of airsoft batteries! / Tenergy NiMH High Output Butterfly Type Battery with Small Tamiya Connector for Airsoft AEG (Size: 9.6V 1600mAh)

Ni-Mh (Nickel Metal-Hydride) batteries work smoothly on older airsoft AEGs, but suffer from poor performance on modern AEGs and quickly dwindle in total charge capacity over time. They come in a variety of voltages, but you’ll most commonly see 9.6v used for airsoft guns. 8.4v Ni-Mh batteries are common as well, but they’re incredibly outdated and I wouldn’t recommend them in any situation whatsoever. These batteries can be safely discharged to 0%, but have become unpopular due to their low discharge rating. Though their voltages can be higher than Li-Po batteries, they’re poor at releasing the requisite amount of charge at the rate higher end AEGs demand.
Ni-Cd (Nickel Cadmium) batteries exist as well, but realistically you wouldn’t use them in any modern airsoft AEG. Those things are ancient.
Matrix High Performance 7.4V Butterfly Type Airsoft LiPo Battery (Configuration: 1450mAh / 20C / Small Tamiya)

Li-Po (Lithium-Polymer) batteries are a staple power source for most modern airsoft AEGs. Their major advantage over Ni-Mh batteries are that they can discharge an incredible amount of electricity in a short burst, making them perfect for high-speed trigger response demands. Additionally, they have a wonderful ability to remain compact while retaining an impressive battery life. These powerhouse batteries have a few shortcomings: If they’re fully drained they die forever, and they have a tendency to catch fire in the case of a short circuit. With good practice, none of these issues should arise. But, sometimes, after a long game at the airsoft field you might just throw your rifle in a bag and completely forget that the battery is still plugged in, causing it to slowly drain to its demise overnight.
Li-Fe (Lithium Ferride) batteries were a thing too. Don’t worry about them too much, they were essentially just overall worse Li-Pos.
So, what has TITAN brought to the table?
TITAN introduced high quality Li-Ion (Lithium Ion) batteries to the airsoft world, which have a number of major advantages over the standard Li-Po. The first thing you might discern given the image is the staggering capacity rating of 3000mAh. You’re reading that correctly! These batteries have an outstandingly high battery life in comparison to previous options. Your average Ni-Mh battery only advertises 1600mAh (though It’s usually far less), and Li-Pos average around 1200mAh depending on the size. If you prefer to depend on a single battery to last you an entire airsoft event, TITAN is the for sure way to go. They come in the same voltage options as a standard Li-Po (7.4v and 11.1v respectively) so you should see similar performance to any Li-Po batteries you’ve ran in the past. Another massive advantage these Li-Ion batteries have is their ability to be safely drained to 0% charge without permanently dying. Happen to leave this one plugged in for a little too long? Fear not, for the TITAN Li-Ion will remain ready to be safely recharged rather than become another corpse for your battery graveyard. I’d recommend TITAN batteries for just about any situation spare for one: Custom AEGs. Though TITANs are safer and carry excellent battery life, they typically only have a discharge rating of 16c, which is often too low for high-speed custom AEGs. But, if you’ve built a custom gun optimized to run on lower C ratings, TITAN batteries can be an exceptional choice!
Though they aren’t as small as your average 1000mah Li-Po, their cylindrical design makes them easy to fit in any battery compartment ordinarily designed for a Ni-Mh. Here are a few of TITAN’s other battery configurations!
The airsoft world has witnessed a glorious transformation with the rise of TITAN batteries. Why have 3 shoddy Li-Pos to worry about when you can have one beefy TITAN Li-ion sitting in your stock, good to go for multiple days of play without running dry? As a result of TITAN batteries, longer airsoft events such as Milsim West or American Milsim can be played through smoothly without need for an immersion-halting battery swap, significantly improving player quality of life. As more players embrace the innovation that TITAN’s Li-Ions have brought, we take another step towards a hassle-free modern airsoft world.