VFC’s Magnum Opus
Every now and then, I encounter a player who’s been out of the hobby for a handful of years asking whether the VFC HK416 is still the best airsoft gun on the market. Back when there was a much smaller selection of rifles on the market, this thing stood out like a brilliant shining gem. It was licensed, shot like a dream, and had a quality of build construction that no other brand could hold a tee to. Unfortunately for the HK416, an influx of new technology and more cost efficient production methods has changed the expectation for what a rifle at a given price point should perform like. I will be frank: The VFC HK416 is old. Other than a few minor material changes here and there, this HK416 has received little to no internal updates to keep up with the performance expectations of the modern era. The gearbox does have a quick change spring system, but you’ll still be forced to disassemble your rifle’s receiver to get to that feature. It does boast a MOSFET, but it is one of the in-line MOSFET systems that only provide a slightly faster trigger pull. Polymer nozzle, half steel tooth piston, aluminum cylinder, polymer cylinder head, all leave the rifle feeling a little “stock” compared to the fancy bells and whistles other branded rifles are offering for half the price.
Thankfully, the standardized design of the VFC Avalon gearbox opens it up to a plethora of available upgrade parts on the airsoft market. If you’re dead set on playing with the best feeling HK416 on the market, this rifle is still probably one of the best choices. It may need a little love from an experienced technician to give it a trigger feel on par with competing premium rifles, but at least you’ll have a working rifle shell that’s tough as nails to dutifully carry with you onto the airsoft battlefield. If you’re looking for a project rifle with a brilliant feel, look no further than this amazing airsoft classic!
But is that all VFC has to offer these days?
Although their most iconic rifle remains classic through and through, VFC has taken some notable steps to improve some of their alternative rifle systems. Is it enough to warrant their premium price tag? Let’s take a look!
Stepping away from VFC’s licensed product for a moment, let’s take a look at one of their more “airsoft” oriented offerings. Their VR16 line M4s are from-the-ground up AR designs built to excel on the 6mm battlefield. Built from the same reinforced aluminum exterior that sets apart their HK416s, the VR16 is another exemplary piece of VFCs catalog that demonstrates their external prowess. Little details of this rifle are streamlined for the best possible player experience as an airsofter. The strange alien-egg looking magazine it utilizes is easy to grip and feeds exceptionally well. Opening up the rear stock plate reveals an impressive amount of battery space capable of housing a variety of battery sizes. To top it all off, just about every interactable button (magazine release, fire selector, trigger) is enlarged, textured, and optimized for ease of use. Although it uses the same Avalon gearbox as the HK416, these VR16 line rifles come upgraded with a powerful neodymium magnet motor that bolsters their trigger response and full auto rate of fire. The trigger feel between these and the stock HK416 is truly night and day. Not a bad pick if you’re looking for a rifle that doesn’t skimp on the details!
BCM AIR GUNFIGHTER AR-15 Airsoft AEG w/ Avalon Gearbox & GATE ASTER Programmable MOSFET by VFC (Model: 11.5" CQB / Gun Only)

If you’re looking for the absolute best platform VFC currently has to offer, look no further than the BCM GUNFIGHTER AR15 w/ Gate ASTER! This thing spices up VFC’s internals with a touch of modernity, equipping it with the incredibly popular GATE electronic MOSFET and a maple leaf inner barrel and bucking. This is one of those rifles you won’t need to touch internally after purchase. It’s a streamlined ready-to-rock fully upgraded package with a metal body reminiscent of premium real-steel ARs. BCM, as a real steel company, is best known for their efficient minimalist designs that ensures consumers can have an effective platform without overpaying. This rifle is no different, offering premium feel, performance, and durability all in a grab-and-go package. Compared to the rest of VFC’s lineup, this one stands out for its modernity pretty significantly. I’d love to see more of VFC’s rifles get the same treatment given to the BCM!
Other Neat Airsoft Guns by VFC
It’s hard to mention VFC without talking about their ever-present FN Scar series! More often than not, when I see a SCAR on the field it’s more than likely this one here. The newer model made in partnership with EMG has a couple modernized features as well to tune up the old design. It’s simple, durable, and sure to turn heads on the field.
Behind VFC is a group of pioneers daring to try out new systems for the airsoft world. The GBB M249 was one of their more recent creations, finally bringing a true GBB LMG to the airsoft market. This is one of the most unique functioning GBB systems on the market, utilizing a magazine separate from the gas reservoir for maximum efficiency. Although it looks like a hefty beast, this model is surprisingly lightweight, making it highly fieldable for any casual airsoft skirmish. Just ensure your field is alright with a full-auto locked LMG for the day!
Even as their company begins to age, VFC is nowhere near being completely out of the game. Each of their rifles continues to contribute to airsoft’s much needed niche of highly durable innovative high end rifles. To this day, I find that VFC still does externals best. If I were to choose a platform to build a highly realistic AR style rifle on, VFC would unquestionably be a first pick. Looking to add that sort of perfection to your airsoft game? Pick up a VFC rifle from Evike.com today!